Real english lesson 2: trip to Washington conversation
Trip To Washington Conversation
Joe: Hello?
Eric: Hey, Joe, this is Eric.
Joe: Oh hey Eric, how’s it goin’?
Eric: It’s goin’ well. How ‘bout yourself?
Joe: Yeah, I’m doin’ really well.
Eric: Great.
Joe: How was your trip up to Washington this weekend?
over the top: very good Eric: Oh, it was just over the top.
Joe: Nice, nice. I…
Eric: Yeah, it was…
Joe: …really wish I could have joined you guys.
Eric: Yeah, well, you should really try next year.
on my list of things to Joe: Yeah, no, it’s, it’s definitely on my list of things to do, for sure.
do: something that I
want to do Eric: Good.
Joe: Yeah, how was, did you, did you make it up there, uh, as you expected? I mean
how was your, how was your trip up there?
fed up: upset Eric: Oh man, I am just fed up with the airlines.
Joe: [laugh]
what’s new?: means
Eric: [laugh]
that you are not
if it’s not one thing, it’s Joe: What’s new?
another: more than one
bad thing has happened Eric: If it’s not one thing, it’s another. I mean we, we got up there and, uh, and the
Trip To Washington Conversation
flight was delayed. And it was really crowded. And then gettin’ out we just, you wait.
And we waited and we waited and we waited for the luggage. And just, the wait just
out of hand: out of got out of hand.
Joe: Ugh…je-, y’know, we, I, y’know, I have not had a good experience with the
airlines here domestically in probably about a year I would say.
Eric: Oh, I mean, it’s just…
Joe: At least.
Eric: It’s getting worse and worse and worse.
rain on your parade: to Joe: Yeah. Well I hope that, that, that didn’t rain on your parade and…
make someone have a
bad time Eric: No.
Joe: …that you actually were able to have a good time after you got up there.
Eric: Oh, I mean it, they, it’s just so wonderful to be up there with those guys. It’s,
they’re like family.
Joe: You gotta tell me a little bit about it ‘cause you know I’ve never been there.
Eric: Yeah, it, it’s such a beautiful place. They’ve got a bunch of cabins on the water,
um.... It’s, y’know, bein’ with friends and family all the time. And, uh, my kid had just
had (just) a blast: to a blast just bein’ out on the water and, um, just enjoyin’ himself. It was really his first
really enjoy
time being able to, uh, be in a boat and realize that he’s on the water and not on the
land. And, and it’s, at, at that age it’s, it’s just such a new exp-, everything’s such a
new experience. He just…
Joe: Yeah.
Eric: …it was wonderful.
Joe: So, how did he, uh, how did he handle the water? Was he like, uh, was he
jumpy: uneasy jumpy or was he, was he pretty calm while he was out there? ‘Cause I know…
Eric: He’s, he’s pretty calm. I mean, he’s a, he’s a water, a water baby of sorts…
Joe: Hello?
Eric: Hey, Joe, this is Eric.
Joe: Oh hey Eric, how’s it goin’?
Eric: It’s goin’ well. How ‘bout yourself?
Joe: Yeah, I’m doin’ really well.
Eric: Great.
Joe: How was your trip up to Washington this weekend?
over the top: very good Eric: Oh, it was just over the top.
Joe: Nice, nice. I…
Eric: Yeah, it was…
Joe: …really wish I could have joined you guys.
Eric: Yeah, well, you should really try next year.
on my list of things to Joe: Yeah, no, it’s, it’s definitely on my list of things to do, for sure.
do: something that I
want to do Eric: Good.
Joe: Yeah, how was, did you, did you make it up there, uh, as you expected? I mean
how was your, how was your trip up there?
fed up: upset Eric: Oh man, I am just fed up with the airlines.
Joe: [laugh]
what’s new?: means
Eric: [laugh]
that you are not
if it’s not one thing, it’s Joe: What’s new?
another: more than one
bad thing has happened Eric: If it’s not one thing, it’s another. I mean we, we got up there and, uh, and the
Trip To Washington Conversation
flight was delayed. And it was really crowded. And then gettin’ out we just, you wait.
And we waited and we waited and we waited for the luggage. And just, the wait just
out of hand: out of got out of hand.
Joe: Ugh…je-, y’know, we, I, y’know, I have not had a good experience with the
airlines here domestically in probably about a year I would say.
Eric: Oh, I mean, it’s just…
Joe: At least.
Eric: It’s getting worse and worse and worse.
rain on your parade: to Joe: Yeah. Well I hope that, that, that didn’t rain on your parade and…
make someone have a
bad time Eric: No.
Joe: …that you actually were able to have a good time after you got up there.
Eric: Oh, I mean it, they, it’s just so wonderful to be up there with those guys. It’s,
they’re like family.
Joe: You gotta tell me a little bit about it ‘cause you know I’ve never been there.
Eric: Yeah, it, it’s such a beautiful place. They’ve got a bunch of cabins on the water,
um.... It’s, y’know, bein’ with friends and family all the time. And, uh, my kid had just
had (just) a blast: to a blast just bein’ out on the water and, um, just enjoyin’ himself. It was really his first
really enjoy
time being able to, uh, be in a boat and realize that he’s on the water and not on the
land. And, and it’s, at, at that age it’s, it’s just such a new exp-, everything’s such a
new experience. He just…
Joe: Yeah.
Eric: …it was wonderful.
Joe: So, how did he, uh, how did he handle the water? Was he like, uh, was he
jumpy: uneasy jumpy or was he, was he pretty calm while he was out there? ‘Cause I know…
Eric: He’s, he’s pretty calm. I mean, he’s a, he’s a water, a water baby of sorts…
Trip To Washington Conversation
Joe: [laugh]
getting the first Eric: …he just loves the water. He just loves to be in it. Up there the water’s really
butterflies out of his cold so, it’s not, we didn’t really get him in the water. And he had a little bit of
stomach: getting used to problems with the life jacket. The life jacket was a little, little tight on him. And that just
something for the first made him a little uncomfortable. But, he’s, after getting the first butterflies out of
time his stomach he just loved it. You could tell, he just was having the time of his life.
time of his life: a really
good time Joe: Oh, that’s great. He must have been psyched to see, uh, Derek’s kids also,
psyched: excited and Mark’s new baby.
Eric: Oh absolutely, at this age, he, they do a lot of, of parallel play. And, because
he’s not old enough yet to, to play with, he kind of plays alongside. But he’s just
to get the hang of: to starting to get the hang of playing with and interacting with. And he just, he loves to
become better at
be in packs of kids. It’s just he really has a great time.
innate: something you Joe: Yeah, it’s like innate [laugh], y’know.
do not need to learn
because you are born
with it Eric: Yeah, it really is. It’s fun to watch him learn. He’s at this age of language
explosion and certainly being around other kids really helps.
Joe: Oh, definitely. So you guys, uh, you went out on Mark’s boat so that must have
been fun.
Eric: It was.
Joe: So, uh, what else did you guys do while you were there?
Eric: Well, y’know, on the whole boat thing.... We, uh, did some crabbing where we
caught some crabs. And, uh, used the boat as sort of a shuttle to get from island to
island. So we did a little bit of island hopping, with picnicking on some islands, uh....
We cooked some great meals, sort of, um, with the whole group of us together…
Joe: Oh, that’s great.
chill out : to relax
Eric: …yeah, and some people got some massages, just tried to chill out and relax,
low key: relaxing uh.... And it was just really low key. A really restful trip, which is what I think about
when I think about Mark and their place up there.
to let go: to relax Joe: Yeah, it sounds like you were really able to let go, huh?
Trip To Washington Conversation
Eric: It was, it was a longer trip for me than I’ve taken in the last couple of years,
goin’ up there, we went for five, five or six days, and…
Joe: Oh, I didn’t realize you were goin’ that long.
Eric: Yeah, normally I’m just up there for a long weekend…
Joe: Sure.
Eric: …but this time I thought, y’know, I haven’t taken a vacation in a while. And I
just wanna get up there and chill out.
Joe: Oh, that’s great.
Eric: Yeah.
if for no other reason: if Joe: Y’know, I understand that John’s living up there now as well and, uh, if for no
nothing else made you other reason I should go up and visit everybody, y’know, while he’s there.
do something
Eric: Absolutely. He, uh, he’s, he’s not living on their property anymore, uh.... He’s
moved just to, y’know, really close by on the mainland off of Bellingham. So he’s in
tickled pink: very happy the area still. And he would just be tickled pink to see you and to hang out with you.
I know he would, so…
hang out: to casually
pass time
Joe: Yeah, I mean, uh, it’s amazing how, y’know, uh, you can let so much time pass.
And, uh, you don’t even realize it’s happened when it comes to visiting with friends
time (just really) flies: who live far out of town.
to be surprised about
how much time has gone Eric: That’s right…
take advantage of: to be Joe: Especially ones that are really close to you.
fortunate to be able to do
all of a sudden: right Eric: Yeah, and the oldest of friends, it’s, uh, it.... Time just really flies and before
away you know it, it’s just been a long time since you’ve seen somebody. So when you get
that time it’s just wonderful to take advantage of it. And certainly John being
jet up: to go somewhere
all of a sudden on the West Coast, it’s great to be able to, to just jet up to
(specifically north)
Washington and, and see him, fairly easily.
make my best effort: to
try very hard
Joe: Yeah. Yeah, I told him next year I’d, I’m going to make my best effort to get up
Trip To Washington Conversation
Eric: I hope, I really really hope you do.
time’s (kind of) Joe: Hey, uh, y’know Eric, time’s kind of escaped me tonight. I’m supposed to
escaped me: I did not meet Kristin for dinner in a little bit. So, uh, y’know, I’d love for us to continue this
realize how late it had conversation, uh, y’know, maybe tomorrow or somethin’, if you’re, if you’re available.
Eric: Hey, that’d be great.
Joe: Okay. Alright, listen, I’ll call you then.
take care: good bye, it Eric: Alright, take care my friend.
was nice talking with you
Joe: Alright, bye.
Eric: Bye.
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